
We use marketing automation with our site to help you to succeed.

We are more than a website. We offer many services that can help you to succeed. As a member of our site, you get a marketing agency to advise you. People pay big money for that. You get it for FREE!


Single Listing Pricing Plans
Basic Listing $9.99
STOP:  This listing does not give you access to our Facebook groups. 
Basic listing includes link to your web site and 3 photos.  Basic listings are not rotated on the home page. 
Take advantage of our traffic to as people can find your business.  During Google searches, you may show up higher in searches. 
This does not give you access to our 12,000+ member facebook group to post your business but advertising like this site for only $9.99 per year is always HUGE for any business.  
We offer a very special rate of 5 years for only $19.99!  Use the contact us at the bottom of the page if you want this deal!  
The video section will be used by us with a non-competing entertainment or ad. 
Featured Listing $37.00
We are a TEAM. We will also share you periodically to our Facebook page and may also in the group as well for you! This is a community advertising site with a strong social media presence.
Our rate is $37 per month. We made if affordable for everyone.
This allows your business to be seen by many and increases your chances for sales along with our exclusive group.  Your featured listing is seen above the basic listings. 
Our marketing agency provides you FREE consultations to help you to grow.  If you are not savvy with digital marketing and technologies, your first meeting with us will change your life!   
***Real Estate, Mortgage, insurance, marketing or car/motorcycle/boat dealers see below 
Featured one year listing includes up to 10 photos, link to your web site, 1 video clip, coupons and featured placement.  If you would pay a booth fee for a couple hundred people to see your business at a local event, the value of thousands of people able to see you all year is easily seen.  
You get your business featured on our site.  You get to post in our social media group with over 12,000 members.  We will also share your business on our business page.  We drive traffic to this site through numerous websites and social media platforms with over 150k followers/group members.  This is a deal! 
*** Real Estate, mortgage, insurance, marketing or car/motorcycle/boat dealers are offered exclusivity on this site and in our groups. Please contact us BEFORE adding your listing. 
**** You can promote your business. Any other businesses must have a listing with us to be promoted in our groups. 
You can cancel at anytime.
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